Success Story - Matrimony

Shiva Prasad Achukatla & Amrutha Lakshmi Wedding Date: 9th November, 2019

"Destiny and Gurudev's grace have their own ways " Shiva Prasad was initially living in Bangalore and Amrutha Lakshmi in Vijayawada. That was when they got acquainted through the Art of living Matrimony. Suddenly, one day he got the news that he had to move to Vijayawada and one can call it coincidence or destiny that both their work places were close to each other. Shiva Kumar told "Since both of us lived and worked close by, we got many chances to spend quality time and know each other." Since they got their time together for nine glorious months before they were pronounced man and wife, it’s obvious that they made some wonderful memories together and one was definitely their engagement day.

Begin a blissful journey!